
  1. We publish only 100% unique content because you are unique you need to present your article as so.
  2. We accept only English content with no spelling and grammatical errors, this shouldn’t have been mentioned though.
  3. Use a catchy title and subheadings
  4. Do not include affiliate links.
  5. Approval length for content starts at a minimum of 800 words.
  6. No offensive sentences, no relevance to immodest content, or any topic as such gambling and alcoholism will not be accepted.
  7. You need to include one free stock image appropriate for the content, which also should be apparently modest. We don’t promote provocative or objectifying a human being’s images.
  8. Please make sure that you haven’t written the same post anywhere else.
  9. We reserve the right to edit, remove, or change anything about your post to best suit the needs of this blog’s readers.
  10. Feel free to message or mail me with any further queries at piyushgandhi502@gmail.com

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